Pokemon Organised Play (POP) has announced the official Pokemon Modified format for the 2013/2014 pokemon tournament season. The new format will be NXD-on, rotating out the currently legal sets BW, EP, and NV. These sets were the last in the format from 2011 and the last to not include EX-pokemon in them. The rotation will come into effect on August the 28th, 2013.
2012/2013 Format (BW-PF) |
2013/2014 Format (NXD-on) |
- Black & White: April, 2011
- Emerging Powers: August, 2011
- Noble Victories: November, 2011
- Next Destinies: February, 2012
- Dark Explorers: May, 2012
- Dragons Exalted: August, 2012
- Boundaries Crossed: November 2012
- Plasma Storm: February, 2013
- Plasma Freeze: May, 2013
- Black Star Promo Cards BW01 and higher
- McDonald’s Collection 2012
- Next Destinies: February, 2012
- Dark Explorers: May, 2012
- Dragons Exalted: August, 2012
- Boundaries Crossed: November 2012
- Plasma Storm: February, 2013
- Plasma Freeze: May, 2013
- Plasma Blast: August, 2013
- Black Star Promo Cards BW33 and higher
- McDonald’s Collection 2012
A New Format in 2015
In addition to their announcement about the rotation, POP has also announced that in 2015 organised play will feature a second format!
In addition to announcing our 2014 rotation, we are also pleased to give players a sneak peek at one of the changes that they will see after next year’s expansion rotation.
Starting in late 2014, a new TCG format will be joining the familiar Modified format as a legal option for sanctioned Pokémon events of all sizes. Because this new format will allow players to use all sets from Black & White on, players will have even more options when designing a winning deck!
We will provide more details as we near the end of the 2014 tournament season!
This format will be familiar to players who know of the Japanese “Palace Format” which has a similar long term focus. It is also similar to the dual competitive formats seen in Magic: The Gathering, which features Standard (similar to Pokemon Modified) and Modern (similar to this new format).
It is likely that Pokemon has announced this format now to inform players who might otherwise sell off their soon-to-rotate cards. This is a very exciting development for the game and its a shame we will have to wait a year to find out more about it.

Cards Being Rotated
The following is a comprehensive list of the cards being rotated out of format. That means the set lists for “Black & White”, “Emerging Powers”, “Noble Victories”, and Black Star Promos BW01-BW32.
However a large number of the cards in these sets have been reprinted in legal sets or as promos, often in the form of “Secret Rare” cards. Thanks to these reprints, all copies of the old cards may still be used in the current format. We’ve listed which set cards were reprinted in (if they were reprinted), any card with a reprint listed will not be rotated.
There has also been a lot of speculation about upcoming reprints of these older cards coming in future sets. Particuarly there is speculation that cards from the Japanese sets Megalo Cannon (our upcoming Plasma Blast) and EX Battle Boost will be reprinted in English. All cards which might be reprinted in such a way have been noted with a [Maybe Reprint] tag.
Where there are multiple reprints in the current set, only one has been listed.
[gn_spoiler title=”Black & White” open=”0″ style=”2″]
Set # |
Name |
Reprint |
1/114 |
Snivy |
2/114 |
Snivy |
[Maybe Reprint] |
3/114 |
Servine |
McDonald’s Collection 1 |
4/114 |
Servine |
[Maybe Reprint] |
5/114 |
Serperior |
6/114 |
Serperior |
Dragons Exalted 125 |
7/114 |
Pansage |
8/114 |
Simisage |
9/114 |
Petilil |
10/114 |
Lilligant |
11/114 |
Maractus |
12/114 |
Maractus |
13/114 |
Deerling |
14/114 |
Sawsbuck |
15/114 |
Tepig |
16/114 |
Tepig |
[Maybe Reprint] |
17/114 |
Pignite |
McDonald’s Collection 4 |
18/114 |
Pignite |
[Maybe Reprint] |
19/114 |
Emboar |
20/114 |
Emboar |
Next Destinies 100 |
21/114 |
Pansear |
22/114 |
Simisear |
23/114 |
Darumaka |
24/114 |
Darumaka |
25/114 |
Darmanitan |
26/114 |
Reshiram |
Next Destinies 21 |
27/114 |
Oshawott |
28/114 |
Oshawott |
[Maybe Reprint] |
29/114 |
Dewott |
McDonald’s Collection 5 |
30/114 |
Dewott |
[Maybe Reprint] |
31/114 |
Samurott |
32/114 |
Samurott |
[Maybe Reprint] |
33/114 |
Panpour |
34/114 |
Simipour |
35/114 |
Basculin |
36/114 |
Ducklett |
37/114 |
Swanna |
38/114 |
Alomomola |
39/114 |
Alomomola |
40/114 |
Blitzle |
41/114 |
Blitzle |
42/114 |
Zebstrika |
43/114 |
Zebstrika |
44/114 |
Joltik |
45/114 |
Joltik |
46/114 |
Galvantula |
47/114 |
Zekrom |
Next Destinies 50 |
48/114 |
Munna |
49/114 |
Musharna |
50/114 |
Woobat |
51/114 |
Swoobat |
52/114 |
Venipede |
53/114 |
Whirlipede |
54/114 |
Scolipede |
55/114 |
Solosis |
56/114 |
Duosion |
57/114 |
Reuniclus |
Dragons Exalted 126 |
58/114 |
Timburr |
59/114 |
Timburr |
60/114 |
Gurdurr |
61/114 |
Throh |
62/114 |
Sawk |
63/114 |
Sandile |
64/114 |
Krokorok |
65/114 |
Krookodile |
66/114 |
Purrloin |
67/114 |
Liepard |
68/114 |
Scraggy |
McDonald’s Collection 10 |
69/114 |
Scrafty |
70/114 |
Zorua |
71/114 |
Zoroark |
Next Destinies 102 |
72/114 |
Vullaby |
73/114 |
Mandibuzz |
74/114 |
Klink |
75/114 |
Klang |
76/114 |
Klinklang |
77/114 |
Patrat |
78/114 |
Patrat |
79/114 |
Watchog |
80/114 |
Lillipup |
81/114 |
Lillipup |
82/114 |
Herdier |
83/114 |
Stoutland |
84/114 |
Pidove |
85/114 |
Tranquill |
86/114 |
Unfezant |
87/114 |
Audino |
88/114 |
Minccino |
89/114 |
Cinccino |
90/114 |
Bouffalant |
91/114 |
Bouffalant |
[Maybe Reprint] |
92/114 |
Energy Retrieval |
[Maybe Reprint] |
93/114 |
Energy Search |
Boundaries Crossed 128 |
94/114 |
Energy Switch |
[Maybe Reprint] |
95/114 |
Full Heal |
96/114 |
PlusPower |
97/114 |
Poké Ball |
Boundaries Crossed 131 |
98/114 |
Pokédex |
99/114 |
Pokémon Communication |
100/114 |
Potion |
Boundaries Crossed 132 |
101/114 |
Professor Juniper |
Dark Explorers 98 |
102/114 |
Revive |
103/114 |
Super Scoop Up |
104/114 |
Switch |
Boundaries Crossed 135 |
105/114 |
Grass Energy |
106/114 |
Fire Energy |
107/114 |
Water Energy |
108/114 |
Lightning Energy |
109/114 |
Psychic Energy |
110/114 |
Fighting Energy |
111/114 |
Darkness Energy |
112/114 |
Metal Energy |
113/114 |
Reshiram |
Next Destinies 21 |
114/114 |
Zekrom |
Next Destinies 50 |
115/114 |
Pikachu |
Selected Surviving Cards
Serperior 6/114

Emboar 20/114

Reuniclus 57/114

Zoroark 71/114

Poké Ball 97/114

Potion 100/114

Professor Juniper 101/114

Switch 104/114

[gn_spoiler title=”Emerging Powers” open=”0″ style=”2″]
Set # |
Name |
Reprint |
1/98 |
Pansage |
McDonald’s Collection 2 |
2/98 |
Simisage |
3/98 |
Sewaddle |
4/98 |
Sewaddle |
5/98 |
Swadloon |
6/98 |
Swadloon |
7/98 |
Leavanny |
8/98 |
Leavanny |
9/98 |
Cottonee |
10/98 |
Cottonee |
11/98 |
Whimsicott |
12/98 |
Whimsicott |
13/98 |
Petilil |
14/98 |
Lilligant |
15/98 |
Deerling |
16/98 |
Sawsbuck |
17/98 |
Virizion |
18/98 |
Pansear |
19/98 |
Simisear |
20/98 |
Darumaka |
21/98 |
Darmanitan |
22/98 |
Panpour |
23/98 |
Simipour |
24/98 |
Basculin |
25/98 |
Basculin |
26/98 |
Ducklett |
27/98 |
Swanna |
28/98 |
Cubchoo |
29/98 |
Cubchoo |
30/98 |
Beartic |
31/98 |
Beartic |
32/98 |
Emolga |
McDonald’s Collection 6 |
33/98 |
Joltik |
34/98 |
Galvantula |
35/98 |
Thundurus |
Promo |
36/98 |
Woobat |
McDonald’s Collection 7 |
37/98 |
Swoobat |
38/98 |
Venipede |
39/98 |
Whirlipede |
40/98 |
Scolipede |
41/98 |
Sigilyph |
42/98 |
Sigilyph |
43/98 |
Gothita |
[Maybe Reprint] |
44/98 |
Gothita |
45/98 |
Gothorita |
[Maybe Reprint] |
46/98 |
Gothorita |
47/98 |
Gothitelle |
[Maybe Reprint] |
48/98 |
Gothitelle |
49/98 |
Roggenrola |
50/98 |
Roggenrola |
51/98 |
Boldore |
52/98 |
Boldore |
53/98 |
Gigalith |
54/98 |
Drilbur |
McDonald’s Collection 8 |
55/98 |
Drilbur |
56/98 |
Excadrill |
57/98 |
Excadrill |
58/98 |
Throh |
59/98 |
Sawk |
60/98 |
Sandile |
61/98 |
Krokorok |
62/98 |
Krookodile |
63/98 |
Terrakion |
64/98 |
Purrloin |
McDonald’s Collection 9 |
65/98 |
Liepard |
66/98 |
Zorua |
67/98 |
Zoroark |
68/98 |
Vullaby |
69/98 |
Mandibuzz |
70/98 |
Ferroseed |
71/98 |
Ferroseed |
72/98 |
Ferrothorn |
73/98 |
Ferrothorn |
74/98 |
Klink |
75/98 |
Klang |
McDonald’s Collection 11 |
76/98 |
Klinklang |
77/98 |
Cobalion |
78/98 |
Patrat |
79/98 |
Watchog |
80/98 |
Pidove |
81/98 |
Tranquill |
82/98 |
Unfezant |
83/98 |
Audino |
84/98 |
Minccino |
85/98 |
Cinccino |
86/98 |
Rufflet |
87/98 |
Rufflet |
88/98 |
Braviary |
89/98 |
Tornadus |
Promo |
90/98 |
Bianca |
Boundaries Crossed 147 |
91/98 |
Cheren |
Dark Explorers 91 |
92/98 |
Crushing Hammer |
[Maybe Reprint] |
93/98 |
Great Ball |
Boundaries Crossed 129 |
94/98 |
Max Potion |
Plasma Freeze 121 |
95/98 |
Pokémon Catcher |
Dark Explorers 111 |
96/98 |
Recycle |
97/98 |
Thundurus |
Promo |
98/98 |
Tornadus |
Promo |
Selected Surviving Cards
Cheren 91/98

Max Potion 94/98

Pokemon Catcher 95/98

Thundurus 97/98

Tornadus 98/98

[gn_spoiler title=”Noble Victories” open=”0″ style=”2″]
Set # |
Name |
Reprint |
1/101 |
Sewaddle |
[Maybe Reprint] |
2/101 |
Swadloon |
[Maybe Reprint] |
3/101 |
Leavanny |
[Maybe Reprint] |
4/101 |
Petilil |
5/101 |
Lilligant |
6/101 |
Dwebble |
McDonald’s Collection 3 |
7/101 |
Crustle |
8/101 |
Karrablast |
9/101 |
Foongus |
10/101 |
Amoonguss |
11/101 |
Shelmet |
12/101 |
Accelgor |
13/101 |
Virizion |
[Maybe Reprint] |
14/101 |
Victini |
[Maybe Reprint] |
15/101 |
Victini |
16/101 |
Pansear |
17/101 |
Simisear |
18/101 |
Heatmor |
19/101 |
Larvesta |
20/101 |
Larvesta |
21/101 |
Volcarona |
22/101 |
Tympole |
[Maybe Reprint] |
23/101 |
Palpitoad |
[Maybe Reprint] |
24/101 |
Seismitoad |
[Maybe Reprint] |
25/101 |
Tirtouga |
26/101 |
Carracosta |
27/101 |
Vanillite |
28/101 |
Vanillish |
29/101 |
Vanilluxe |
30/101 |
Frillish |
31/101 |
Jellicent |
32/101 |
Cryogonal |
33/101 |
Cryogonal |
34/101 |
Kyurem |
Promo |
35/101 |
Blitzle |
36/101 |
Zebstrika |
37/101 |
Emolga |
38/101 |
Tynamo |
39/101 |
Tynamo |
40/101 |
Eelektrik |
41/101 |
Eelektross |
42/101 |
Stunfisk |
43/101 |
Victini |
44/101 |
Yamask |
45/101 |
Yamask |
46/101 |
Cofagrigus |
47/101 |
Cofagrigus |
48/101 |
Trubbish |
49/101 |
Garbodor |
50/101 |
Solosis |
[Maybe Reprint] |
51/101 |
Duosion |
[Maybe Reprint] |
52/101 |
Reuniclus |
[Maybe Reprint] |
53/101 |
Reuniclus |
54/101 |
Elgyem |
55/101 |
Elgyem |
56/101 |
Beheeyem |
57/101 |
Litwick |
58/101 |
Litwick |
59/101 |
Lampent |
60/101 |
Chandelure |
Next Destinies 101 |
61/101 |
Gigalith |
62/101 |
Timburr |
63/101 |
Gurdurr |
64/101 |
Conkeldurr |
65/101 |
Conkeldurr |
66/101 |
Archen |
67/101 |
Archeops |
Dark Explorers 110 |
68/101 |
Stunfisk |
69/101 |
Mienfoo |
70/101 |
Mienshao |
71/101 |
Golett |
72/101 |
Golurk |
73/101 |
Terrakion |
Boundaries Crossed 151 |
74/101 |
Landorus |
Promo |
75/101 |
Pawniard |
76/101 |
Bisharp |
77/101 |
Deino |
78/101 |
Zweilous |
79/101 |
Hydreigon |
Next Destinies 103 |
80/101 |
Escavalier |
81/101 |
Pawniard |
82/101 |
Bisharp |
83/101 |
Durant |
84/101 |
Cobalion |
[Maybe Reprint] |
85/101 |
Audino |
86/101 |
Axew |
McDonald’s Collection 12 |
87/101 |
Fraxure |
88/101 |
Haxorus |
89/101 |
Druddigon |
[Maybe Reprint] |
90/101 |
Cover Fossil |
[Maybe Reprint] |
91/101 |
Eviolite |
Plasma Storm 122 |
92/101 |
N |
Dark Explorers 96 |
93/101 |
Plume Fossil |
[Maybe Reprint] |
94/101 |
Rocky Helmet |
Boundaries Crossed 133 |
95/101 |
Super Rod |
Dragon Vault 20 |
96/101 |
Xtransceiver |
97/101 |
Virizion |
[Maybe Reprint] |
98/101 |
Victini |
99/101 |
Terrakion |
Boundaries Crossed 151 |
100/101 |
Cobalion |
101/101 |
N |
102/101 |
Meowth |
Selected Surviving Cards
Kyurem 34/101

Chandelure 60/101

Archeops 67/101

Terrakion 73/101

Landorus 74/101

Hydreigon 79/101

N 92/101

Rocky Helmet 94/101

Super Rod 95/101

[gn_spoiler title=”Black Star Promos BW01-BW32″ open=”0″ style=”2″]
Set # |
Name |
Reprint |
BW01 |
Snivy |
BW02 |
Tepig |
BW03 |
Oshawott |
BW004 |
Reshiram |
Next Destinies 21 |
BW005 |
Zekrom |
Next Destinies 50 |
BW06 |
Snivy |
BW07 |
Tepig |
BW08 |
Oshawott |
BW09 |
Zoroark |
Next Destinies 102 |
BW10 |
Axew |
BW11 |
Pansage |
BW12 |
Zorua |
BW13 |
Minccino |
BW14 |
Pansage |
BW15 |
Pidove |
BW16 |
Axew |
BW17 |
Ducklett |
BW18 |
Darumaka |
BW19 |
Zoroark |
[Maybe Reprint] |
BW20 |
Serperior |
Dragons Exalted 125 |
BW21 |
Emboar |
Next Destinies 100 |
BW22 |
Samurott |
BW23 |
Reshiram |
Next Destinies 21 |
BW24 |
Zekrom |
Plasma Freeze 39 |
BW25 |
Scraggy |
BW26 |
Axew |
BW27 |
Litwick |
BW28 |
Tropical Beach |
Promo |
BW29 |
Victory Cup |
BW30 |
Victory Cup |
BW31 |
Victory Cup |
BW32 |
Victini |
Selected Surviving Cards
Reshiram BW04

Zekrom BW05

What Are We Losing
The first thing on a lot of people’s minds when a rotation happens is “what important cards will the format be losing?”. Thanks to the large number of reprints of important/staple cards the effect of this rotation is minimal on the format and may be even less so when we see the additional reprints in the upcoming Plasma Blast set. Nonetheless, we are losing some old friends (or foes) and a couple of cards which have seen widespread usage in the last format.
- Cobalion NV84 – a card which has seen use as a tech in a large number of formats.
- Durant NV83 – used as the centre-piece of durant mill decks.
- Eelektrik NV40 – the energy acceleration to a number of decks from Zekeels to Rayeels and more, probably the card which will be mourned the most.
- Gothitelle EP47 – a huge pokemon for a number of formats, showing how powerful trainerlock can be, possibly being reprinted.
- Klinklang BW76 – used in a number of steel decks and used widely with max potion.
- Victini NV14 – affectionately known as fliptini, this card’s Victory Star ability improved the performance of a large number of coin-flip based decks, broadening the format considerably.
- Victini NV15 – a one off tech in a number of decks due to its powerful V-create attack.
- Crushing Hammer – used prolifically in Hammertime decklists utilising Sableye or other ways to get more and more flips of this powerful card, possibly being reprinted.
- Energy Retrieval – a staple card for decks like Blastoise or Emboar, now replaced with its bigger sibling Super Energy Retrieval.
- Energy Switch – a card which improved the consistency and speed of a number of decks, particularly popular with Darkrai variants after Shaymin HGSS8 was rotated out of format in the last rotation.
- Full Heal – a card that never saw serious competitive play.
- Plus Power – a staple in the game for a long time which had a number of serious uses but which was never particularly widespread.
- Pokedex – a card used heavily with “top of the deck” abilities, its partner Ether for the hyped Etherdex combo never really panned out but nonetheless saw some play.
- Pokemon Communication – another long term staple, this time mostly replaced by different ball trainers.
- Revive – a strong card which saw one off plays in a number of decks.
- Recycle – useful for some very niche decks, but largely seen as inconsistent.
- Super Scoop Up – a card which is equal parts too good and too bad to use, when heads is flipped in the right deck at the right time it could be game winning, but equally a bad flip and it could causes losses. For the sake of reducing luck in the game many will be happy to see this card finally gone.
- Victory Cup – not a useful card, but definitely a blingy one. I suspect we’ll be seeing it again soon.
- Xtransceiver – generally seen as a worse Random Receiver and thus unused.
What do you think of the rotation and how it will affect the metagame?
Bodhi Cutler July 18, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Bodhi Cutler liked this on Facebook.
Stacey Muscat July 18, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Stacey Muscat liked this on Facebook.
Mitchell Dowling July 18, 2013 at 2:52 pm
Heads up you mislabeled Base set Zekroms reprint as Plasma Freeze when it should be Next Destinies
Mitchell Dowling July 18, 2013 at 2:53 pm
same with reshiram as Freeze versions arn;t the outrage versions
Same Errors in the Promo section as you have labeled all the Outrage Reshiram/Zekroms as the Plasma Freeze cards when its a completely different card
might want to change them to Next Destinies as well 😛
Ace Trainer Australia July 18, 2013 at 3:02 pm
Mitchell Dowling July 18, 2013 at 3:04 pm
expected more from the pros 😛 j/k
Ace Trainer Australia July 18, 2013 at 3:12 pm
Thanks Mitchell, nice pick up. An error on my part, all fixed now!
~ Myles
Mitchell Dowling July 18, 2013 at 3:14 pm
🙁 just realised my Whirlipede/Crobat deck is going to be rotated (the whirlipedes anyways)
well time to focus on creating my cacturn/Outrage deck 😛
SixPrizes July 18, 2013 at 11:18 pm
RT @AceTrainerAu: POP 2013/2014 Format and Rotation http://t.co/3MTONVWik5 #auspkmn
Christopher Morales July 30, 2013 at 4:51 am
Just note that Mcdonalds Collection 2012 still playable NOT Mcdonalds Collection 2011. Both Collections have different symbols and Pokemon.com has the symbol for 2012 still playable while 2011 is in rotation. Might need to fix that here in this article when explaining the Mcdonald promos.
Ace Trainer Myles July 30, 2013 at 12:17 pm
The card list only includes cards from the 2012 collection, I’ve made it a little clearer by stating 2012 when the collection is first mentioned. For the most part it shouldn’t matter though given the McDonald’s collection is almost entirely unimportant for competitive play.
Christopher Morales July 30, 2013 at 12:36 pm
True, I only mentioned it because that Axel in the Mcdonalds Collection 2012 is also the same Axel in Noble Victories (which means it stays in format) and that is the best Axel we have for people wanting to use the new Haxorus. 60 hp and no weakness sounds great to me versus the other Axels at 50 hp and weak to dragons.
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